Social Responsibility
Where ever possible we endevour to assist those in need throughout Namibia. With the help of donations from not only our guests, but also the local business community, we have been able to create change for those that are living below the poverty line and struggling with things that those in the first world often take for granted. We aim to improve living standards, which in turn, we hope will empower people to work hard to better their own lives and that of their children. If you wish to help us, please email us, as every little bit goes a long way towards making life a little easier for those in need.
Chameleon Safaris ethos has always included the need to be socially responsible in all areas of our business including economic, social, and environmental practices.
Pack for a Purpose and help local communities. Save space in your suitcase by bringing needed supplies for endorsed projects.

Chameleon Safaris:
- Has made it a priority to ensure that all staff are fairly remunerated for their role within the company.
- Ensures that all female staff are paid equally to that of their male counterparts.
- Offers financial assistance to staff members interest free in emergency situations.
- Identifies and pays for relevant courses to allow staff to improve their skills which in turn improves their income

- Encourages visitors to engage with local communities and purchase souvenirs at a grassroots level.
- Supports initiatives such as the Home of Good Hope, a soup kitchen for children in the Katatura township, as well as the Epukiro Lifeline clinic set up to attend the the medical needs of the San community.
- Encourages staff to improve their skills and makes upskilling a priority.
- Is a member of local conservation organisation TOSCO (Tourism Supporting Conservation Organisation) which in turn contributes to local conservation efforts such as the, Eloolo Permaculture Initative, Giraffe Conservation Foundation and the Snakes of Namibia
- Encourages all Chameleon staff to be blood or platelet donors, i
Chameleon Safaris:
- Actively reduces the amount of waste generated on all safaris. This includes promoting buying in bulk, particular with goods such as mineral water by recommending guests who choose not to drink tap water to purchase in 5L bottles. These empty bottles can then be donated to remote communities for collecting water or recycled.
- Has initiated a clean up program with a remote Damara community and offers free rubbish collection to this community whenever our vehicles are passing by.
- Ensures wherever possible that recyclable items are disposed of in the correct manner to limit rubbish put into landfill.